Our world is filled to the brim with many natural phenomena, weather, and millions of living creatures that are always worth capturing on camera. Several of these pictures provoke the mind and allow us that recognition of what it takes to live in a place full of wonderful beauty, and boundless wildlife. Others show the dangerous aspects of nature, and how powerless we as human beings are against it at times, be it a roaring tornado, a pounding sea, or an untamed wild animal. Either way, these jarring nature photos will have anyone rethinking the world in which we live.
Roger the Buff Kangaroo

This is Roger, an incredibly muscular kangaroo who lived in an animal sanctuary in Australia. He was rescued and taken there as a small, sickly joey. Clearly that didn’t last, as he grew to be 6’7″ and 200 pounds. He also liked to fight, and would leave bruises on the animal sanctuary’s founder. Needless to say, you didn’t want to pick a fight with Roger.
A Barn Funnel Weaver and its Web

This fascinating web was made by a barn funnel weaver spider, which you might be more familiar with as Charlotte from the beloved children’s novel Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White. Luckily, while these guys look moderately terrifying, they generally want nothing to do with humans. They create their webs in order to catch small insect prey and they can even tell the difference between the vibration of said prey from the vibration of a leaf caught in the web.
Underwater ‘Waterfalls’ in Mauritius

We’re betting you’ve probably never seen anything like this before. This incredible sight can be found in Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. While it looks like a terrifying underwater waterfall that would suck you to your doom into the depths of the ocean, it’s actually just an optical illusion caused by the sand and silt running along the ocean floor in a certain way. It may only be an illusion, but imagine swimming or boating over it…no thanks.
A Well-Preserved Nodosaur

This incredibly well-preserved nodosaur skeleton resides at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology in Alberta, Canada. The nodosaur was a herbivore that weighed 3,000 pounds and was accidentally discovered in 2012 by miners. Even researchers have been amazed by how well-preserved it is. One researcher was quoted in saying, “We don’t just have a skeleton. We have a dinosaur as it would’ve been,” and another compared the find to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.
A Haunting Road in Northern Ireland

What would you do if your car broke down on this creepy road? It looks like something straight out of a nightmare or horror film! These trees can be found on Bregagh Road in Northern Ireland and were planted in the 1700s by the Stuart family as an entrance to their estate, Gracehill House. Over time their branches became woven together to create this haunting scene!
A Marmot Being Surprised by a Fox

Have you ever seen such a look of sheer terror? This marmot clearly knows he’s about to be dinner for this fox, and unfortunately in the end the marmot didn’t make it out alive. Luckily, the fox’s cubs got a little snack though!
The once-in-a-lifetime photo was taken by Chinese photographer Yongqing Bao, who was a recipient of the London National History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year award in 2019.
Goats Climbing Up a Brick Wall

Goats are known to be able to climb difficult terrain, but somehow this image looks downright impossible! They learn to climb when they’re just days old and are able to follow their parents up steep mountains in the winter to search for food or escape predators. Not to mention, they’re pretty darn adorable too!
Massive Wave Hits the Lighthouse in France

In 1989, a gigantic wave hit this lighthouse in France. Jean Guichard, a photographer, was able to capture the event on film. The man looks like a tiny dot as compared to the tumultuous wave that seems to topple the lighthouse. Now, we have an immortal reminder of the massive destruction that nature can do as well with its corresponding beauty.
Sociable Raccoons

Raccoons are elusive animals. However, this photo tells us that they can also be very sociable. Thirty years ago, a woman who went on a camping trip heard some strange noises in the middle of the night. So, she peeked through her tent’s flap and took a candid photo of the surprisingly adorable culprits—a dozen or so raccoons!
President Roosevelt Riding a Moose

In 1908, a photo of President Theodore Roosevelt riding atop a moose across a river came out. However, this picture is not real. The photo served as a press release for Roosevelt’s presidential campaign. Since he belonged to the Progressive Party, whose mascot is a moose, this photo served as an ad campaign and was printed for the September 8, 1912 edition of the New York Tribune.
Wolf Spider and Its Babies

Most spiders leave their eggs in silky sacks. Once these eggs hatch, the baby spiders fend for themselves and are vulnerable to various wild predators. The wolf spider, however, is different. It carries its tiny children on its back, protecting them from danger. These younglings stay with their mother until they get big enough to hunt the prey for themselves.
Beluga Whales Thought of as Mermaids

Many people report rampant sightings of mermaids in the Arctic. However, this photo shows the close-up of a beluga whale’s lower body that looks like human legs wrapped within its tail. So, perhaps these animals are being mistaken for sirens frolicking in the deep waters of the sea, don’t you think?
A Baby Elephant Stuck in a Hole

Elephants, like humans, take a long time to mature. Elephants generally require 15 to 20 years before they cross into adulthood. So, it is expected that baby elephants can be as clumsy as human toddlers. This tiny elephant finds himself stuck in a manhole. As cute as he looks, it would have taken great strength to pull him out of the gaping crevice.
A Bear Pursuing His Prey

Black bears are notoriously known for being apex predators. One of the scariest situations may be finding yourself pursued by a bear that can easily overtake you, even when you’re riding a bicycle. This photo was taken in Alaska. As much as its caption aptly describes the bear’s possible primal intention, we cannot help but think of the bicycle rider.
Rocky’s 40-Year Old Turtles

Did you know that Sylvester Stallone’s turtles way back from the Rocky movie are still alive today? Stallone’s character previously presented them as gifts to his on-screen girlfriend, Adrian. After finishing the movie, Stallone took them as pets. They’re already 44 years old and still thriving at present. In fact, Stallone plans to have them included in a cameo appearance for Creed 2.
Megalodon vs. Great White

This photo shows a comparison between the ancient megalodon and the modern-day great white shark. The megalodon is presumed to have quickly reached a length of 60 feet and a weight of 40,000 pounds or more. Scientists assert that it is the largest predators to have ever existed on earth. Thankfully, the species went extinct after the Pliocene era.
The Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco

Goats can climb trees. In Morocco, they climb a specific tree called the Argania or Argan tree. They do so to get to the argan tree’s fruits. The nuts are said to be so delicious that even the goats can’t seem to get enough of them. Nevertheless, the goats look hilarious as they sit atop the argan trees that way.
Michio Hoshino Gets Mauled to Death

Michio Hoshino is a Japanese, award-winning photographer who devoted himself to the Alaskan wildlife. In 1996, while camping near Kurilskoye Lake in Russia, a brown bear entered his tent and he managed to take this one last photo before encountering his unexpected tent-guest.
A Dog Waiting for His Friend to Finish Eating

No one wants to mess with a skunk. Skunks are known for being smelly as they spray would-be predators with a foul-smelling liquid. Found in both North and South America, the skunk is closely linked to the weasel. This image captures the hilarious expression on the dog’s face as he waits for his buddy to finish his food.
Oklahoma City’s 1898 Tornado

This tornado happened at Waynoka, Oklahoma City, in 1898. The first known storm chaser, David Hoadley, was born 40 years later. He launched the magazine, Storm Track. The men who took this picture were like Hoadley. They, too, took a death-defying photo of a massive tornado that was obviously coming their way back then—and were alive to show it.
The Star-Nosed Little Mole

The photo features the star-nosed mole. This mole has 22 pink appendages attached to its equally pink nose. The mole uses these parts to capture touch, odors, vibrations, and temperature fluctuations. Termed as Elmer’s organs, these rodent’s unique body parts enable it to survive and thrive in the wet, marshy regions of lowland North America.
Mammatus Clouds in Nebraska after a Tornado

This photo looks like a famous painting that similarly features the sky. Mammatus clouds look like udders; thus, they are called mammary clouds, as well. Such clouds form when cold air goes down as it meets warmer air, forming these pouches in the sky. These clouds are dangerous, especially for airplanes, as they create downdrafts.
Seagull Tries to Help His Friend

This touching photo shows a seagull attempting to help another seagull who gets unluckily picked up by a bald eagle. Bald eagles symbolize the nation’s exquisite quality, although they are also known to be apex predators in the wild. They hunt small or medium animals, including birds. Unfortunately, seagulls are often included in their menu.
Tippi Hedren and Her Tiger

Roar was a 1981 film requiring wild animals on the set. The said movie is the most dangerous film ever created as 70 crew members and cast members were injured during its shooting. Many of these injuries were life-threatening, as well. Although these animals were tame, they still caused significant disruptions on the set.
Square Waves

It seems nearly impossible for the ocean to make this pattern with its waves. This is what happens when two wave systems collide with each other. As mesmerizing as they are to see in person, they can be incredibly dangerous for ships, surfers, and swimmers alike.
A Huge Manta Ray

The International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies the manta ray as a ‘vulnerable’ species. Rays usually get caught in fishing nets. They are commonly used for Chinese medicine, as well. They are also threatened by the rapid spread of pollution all over the world. The photo depicts a giant, 5000-pound, 20-foot wide manta ray that got caught in a boat’s anchor.
The Only Brown Panda in the World

Qizai is the only known brown panda in the world. Abandoned by his mother in a Chinese forest, Qizai was frequently bullied by the other pandas in the wild. Fortunately, he was rescued by humans and brought to the Foping Panda Valley in China. He is now seven years old, and his carers hope to find this beautiful panda a mate soon.
A Colorful Display in the Sky

This astounding display of colorful clouds is a result of the sunset plus the collection of visible water vapors in the sky. This photo was taken in Moscow as a recent storm occurred in the area. The majestic hues of blue and orange provide a beautiful backdrop for the equally breath-taking bridge as cars hurry through its lanes.
Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter

Who doesn’t know Steve Irwin, the world’s Crocodile Hunter? Irwin was an educator, a showman, a zookeeper, a conservationist, and a famous TV personality. On September 4, 2006, Irwin was killed while filming a wild animal. A stingray’s barbed tail went through his heart. The world lost a wonderful human being and a champion for wild animals. His wife and children survive him.
Catatumbo Lightning in Venezuela

The Catatumbo lightning merely occurs over the Catatumbo River in Venezuela. They happen 140 to 160 times per year. They are due to the storms that get to pick up energy as the accompanying winds blow across the Maracaibo Lake and the surrounding bogs there. This Venezuela region has the most lightning activity in the whole world.
A Woolly Mammoth Tusk

This photo shows a man in Siberia holding up the ancient tusk of a woolly mammoth that was likely killed by Siberian hunters. These creatures went extinct about 10,000 years ago due to climate warming and hunting. While they were about the same size as their relative, the modern African elephant, the woolly mammoth’s tusks could reach lengths of 15 feet, which you can see here.
Yellowstone and its Alien Beauty

The Yellowstone caldera is one of the most beautiful natural wonders we have on this planet. The bizarre, alien-esque colors that come out of its hot springs are the result of different types of bacteria combined with heated water being pushed up through cracks in the earth’s surface.
Rising Moon

This photo was taken at Lake Isabella in the Sierra Nevada region in California during the Erskine wildfires of 2016. The full moon rising above the mountain looks extra eerie in contrast with the destructive blazing-red wildfires below it.
An Ancient Praying Mantis

Here’s something pretty incredible: A 12-million-year-old praying mantis preserved in amber. But if you think that’s old, just know that the praying mantis species itself is about 140 million years old. Amber is fossilized tree resin that’s useful to scientists because it is able to perfectly preserve things for millions of years. The oldest amber ever found to date is a remarkable 320 million years old!
Chimp and Human

This image shows a chimpanzee pointer finger next to a human pointer finger. Often times we humans forget how similar we really are to our primate cousins, and this image brings us back to that reality!